Ever since I've been obsessed with trying to recreate the taste sensations. So I give you my take on these gorgeous wraps. If you're you're in or around Southampton I can't recommend Lakaz Maman enough, go give it a try.
175g S/R Flour
A good pinch of sea salt
2 tbsp of oil + more for brushing & cooking
120ml water
3 chicken breasts
olive oil
1 jar of roasted peppers
2 spring onions
1 tbsp chilli sauce
3 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger
1 clove of garlic
100g cooked rice
couple of handfuls of salad leaves.
Tip flour and salt into a large bowl. Add the oil, and enough water to make a soft, but not sticky, dough add a little more flour or water if needed. Knead gently until smooth. Divide the dough into eight equal pieces and roll each one into a thin circle about the thickness of a £1 coin using a rolling pin.
Brush the bottom third of one of the roti with oil using a pastry brush, and fold the oiled third towards the middle. Repeat with the top third, fold inwards, then a quarter turn the roti and repeat this process with the top and bottom third. Repeat with the remaining roti. Chill for 30 minutes.
Now slice the chicken breasts into thin strips, heat a little oil in a heavy based pan and add the chicken, cook for a few minutes over a medium high heat. Drain the peppers and chop slightly add to the pan and stir. Grate in the fresh ginger and garlic, slice the spring onions diagonally and add to the pan, stir for about a minute, add the cooked rice, giving a good stir so all the juices from the bottom of the pan start to absorb into the rice. Next add the chilli and sweet chilli sauces, stir and cook for about a minute. Cover and keep warm.
Heat a little oil in a heavy-based pan. Roll the roti’s thinly into a rounds with a rolling pin, and fry on one side until it puffs up and is speckled brown on the underside. Turn it over and fry on the other side, until it too is puffed and speckled brown. Remove from the pan, allowing the roti to cool for a few seconds, place on a plate. Cook the remaining roti in the same way.
Place the Roti onto a board along with the salad leaves and the pan of chicken. Plonk in the centre of the table and let everyone help themselves.