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Mulled wine

For those of you who 'know' me you'll know I'm not a very big drinker. However when I run my masterclasses and demo's a complimentory glass of something yummy is supplied with a 2 course lunch. So of course the Christmassy classes get a glass of mulled wine. 

I also supply a treat with tea or coffee on arrival but again, for the christmassy classes some spiced apple juice is offered also. Now lately I have been seeing a trend with mulled cider and I had about a glass and a half of my warm spiced apple left from breakfast, so I poured it into the pan and the results were stunning. 

The only problem it went down far to easily, you almost wouldn't think there was any alcohol in it!
1 bottle of red that you'd like to drink (or Sainsburys do a good bottle of mulled wine)
2 cinnamon sticks
1 very large juicy orange
1 mulled wine sachet
4-6 tbsp of demerara sugar (use 4 initially, then once warmed taste and add more if required)
1&1/2 cups of cloudy apple juice
2 star anise

Peel the zest from the oranges with a potato peeler then cut into quarters, next pour all of the ingredients into a large pan with the zest and orange quarters. Stirring heat gently over a low to medium heat taking care not to let it come to the boil. Remove the spice sachet to serve.

*Don't allow the wine to come to the boil or the alcohol will be burnt off.