This tart is so deliciously light you could almost believe it was free from calories! You can serve with or without the mirror glaze, it’s delicious either way. The chocolate pastry is quite hard to work with so I suggest rolling between 2 sheets of parchment making it easier to handle.
220g plain flour
30g cocoa
2 tbsp icing sugar
125g chilled butter
1 egg yolk
ice cold water * or ice cold vodka
3 eggs
3 egg yolks
70g sugar
200g butter
300g milk chocolate
150g dark chocolate
150ml double cream
You will also need a 26cm (10 inch) loose bottomed tart tin with a depth of about 3cm
and baking beans
preheat the oven 180˚c
Put the flour, cocoa, sugar, butter and salt into the bowl of a food processor with a metal
Whizz using the pulse button until you have a breadcrumb consistency.
Add the egg yolk, whizz briefly, then add the water a tbsp at a time, until the dough
comes together to form a ball.
Turn on to a floured surface and work quickly with your hands until smooth. Wrap in
clingfilm and chill for at least 30 minutes before using.
Roll out the pastry between 2 sheets of parchment paper, line the tart tin with the
pastry, cover with one of the sheets of parchment and fill with baking beans, bake in a
preheated oven 180˚c for about 20-25 mins or until completely baked through, removing the parchment for the final 5 minutes. Cool until cold to the touch.
Whisk together eggs, yolks and sugar until light and fluffy. In a pan bring butter to the
boil, remove from the heat and mix in chocolate pieces until it is all melted.
Once sabayon is light and fluffy, fold in chocolate and butter. Turn the oven down
to 160˚c
Pour the chocolate into pastry base and bake for 25-35 minutes until edge forms a
crust, leave to cool for 15 minutes in the tin, then pop into the fridge until completely
chilled (at least 3 hours but preferably overnight).
Gently heat the cream and the chocolate together, stir until glossy. Once the tart has set
remove from fridge, and pour over the mirror glaze ganache, leave to set, then serve at
room temperature with some soft fruits.
#TopTip I leave an overhang of pastry to blind bake then trim once baked before
filling, this helps stop any shrinkage.
#TopTip Also for a real crumbly texture use alcohol instead of water to bind the pastry, the alcohol will burn off in baking along with the moisture leaving a fab short pastry.