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Chocolate Men Biscuits

These little biscuits are such fun and so so simple. The only thing that you really have to be careful about is the chilling stage. I've added a couple of notes at the bottom of the recipe for fancying them up a bit.

You can use any cutter you fancy, these will work really well to make holes in the top before baking to hang on the Christmas tree. Also if chilled properly they really hold their shape well so work fabulously for themed parties.

They're fab for making with children but my #TopTip is to roll out on parchment or a reusable mat for ease of moving them. 
Spot the odd one out 😜
200g plain flour
100g caster sugar
100g soft butter or stork
1 small egg
40g cocoa powder

Makes 12

In a freestanding machine set with the paddle beater or a food processor bring all of the ingredients into a soft clay like dough.

Take a quarter of the dough and roll on some parchment to about the depth of £1 coin stamp out your dough and place on a lined baking tray, repeat until all the biscuits are cut out.

Stud the biscuits with sprinkles (we used mini Jazzies from Tesco) Pop into the freezer and chill for at least half an hour.

Preheat your oven to 170˚c

Bake your biscuits in the preheated oven for 12-14 mins. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely. 
For extra chocolateiness you can brush the backs of the cold biscuits with melted white or milk chocolate.

For something a little extra add the zest of a lime or orange to the mix.