For the compote
Zest and juice of a large juicy orange
Big handful of plump sultanas
30g caster sugar
In a sauce pan place all of the above ingredients and reduce down until sticky and syrup like. Leave to one side.
For the Brûlée
250ml double cream
250ml whole milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
4-6 tbsp caster sugar preheat the oven to 130
4 egg yolks
plus Caster sugar for topping
Spoon the sultana compote into 6-8 ramekin dishes or teacups. Whisk the egg yolks, vanilla extract and sugar until light and fluffy. Heat the milk and cream in a saucepan until just below boiling. Add to the egg yolks and sugar, whisk vigorously, strain and pour equal amounts into the ramekin dishes.
Put ramekins into a baking tray and half fill with boiling water bake in the oven for 40 minutes. Leave until cool then chill completely in the fridge
Top each Brulee with a tablespoon of caster sugar and run a blow touch over to melt the sugar.
Spoon the sultana compote into 6-8 ramekin dishes or teacups. Whisk the egg yolks, vanilla extract and sugar until light and fluffy. Heat the milk and cream in a saucepan until just below boiling. Add to the egg yolks and sugar, whisk vigorously, strain and pour equal amounts into the ramekin dishes.
Put ramekins into a baking tray and half fill with boiling water bake in the oven for 40 minutes. Leave until cool then chill completely in the fridge
Top each Brulee with a tablespoon of caster sugar and run a blow touch over to melt the sugar.