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Christmas Blondie

I adore Christmas and the wonderful people at Nordicware Uk sent me this gorgeous snowflake tin. I was racking my brains how to do it justice when I came up with this idea. The flavour is so good, if you're not lucky enough to have the snowflake tin you can use a 20inch sq but honestly, how beautiful does this tin make a simple blondie look? xx 
100g white chocolate (minimum 50% cocoa solids), chopped
110g unsalted butter, diced
250g caster sugar
*2 tbsp peel paste 
1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
3 large eggs, beaten
170g plain flour
50g self-raising flour
30g Horlicks
100g white chocolate drops (frozen) 
60g dried cranberries
Icing Sugar

You will also need a 20cm (8 inch) square baking tin, greased and lined with baking parchment or Nordicware Snowflake-pan 

Preheat the oven to 170ºC/325ºF/gas mark 3. 

Chop the chocolate into small pieces and place in a heatproof bowl. Add the butter, sugar  and peel paste and melt together carefully over a pan of simmering water. Stir until smooth and combined and leave to cool slightly. 

Add the vanilla and beaten eggs to the melted chocolate and butter, whisk to combine. 

Sift both of the flours and Horlicks powder into the bowl and mix until smooth. Fold in the cranberries and the (frozen white) chocolate and spoon into the prepared tin. Spread level with a palette knife and bake on the middle shelf of the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes. 

Leave to cool in the tin and give a good dusting of icing sugar before cut into squares. 

** For my peel paste, whizz a pot of peel in a food processor with 2 Tbsp of boiling water until smooth. 

#TOPTIP When I take my baked cake from the oven I rest a wire rack over the surface of the hot cake tin with a damp tea-towel, the steam helps release the cake really easily.

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