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Jeff Part 2 (Sourdough)

Well, Jeff has been bubbling away now for a good 6 weeks. I've found I only have to feed him twice a week now, still with a cup of flour and one of lukewarm water. 

I bring him out for an hour before feeding. I lift his lid and then I feed him after another hour in the warm and then it's back to the fridge. I generally do this before bake days. 

With my original Jeff post, the method I give will make 2 x 2 lb loaves. I've been experimenting with half of the dough and these are the ones I've come up with so far. 

These methods all use half of my original Jeff recipe and have had the first prove.
For the Sticky Buns
I rolled the proved dough into an oblong, then brushed liberally with melted unsalted butter, sprinkled with Demerara sugar, raisins and a dusting of cinnamon, rolled length ways, then cut into 2 inch pieces, popped into a 20x20 tin and left to prove for about 90 mins. Bake at 200 for about 22-30 mins depending on the size of the buns. Warm some apricot jam and brush over the buns the leave to cool.

This would also work really well with chocolate chips, some of my peel paste and glaze with orange jam.
The Raisin and Fennel Loaf
This was a huge hit in our house. Again I rolled the proved dough into an oblong, this time I sprinkled with 1 tsp of fennel seeds and topped with a handful of raisins, I sort of rolled and twisted, popped onto a baking sheet to double in size, then egg wash and bake at 210 for about 20-25 mins, cool on a wire rack before slicing.
Walnut and Sultana Loaf
I patted the proved dough into a circular shape, then scattered with a handful of walnuts and one of sultanas. Sort of work them into the dough, then shape into a ball and pop onto a lined baking and leave to prove until doubled in size. Bake at 210 for 20-25 mins or until it sounds hollow when tapped underneath. Leave to cool on a wire rack until cold before serving.
For sourdough pancakes
The night before I want to make my pancakes I measure out a cup (any teacup) of the starter into a bowl, cover with a clean tea-towel until the morning at room temp. In the morning mix a cup of flour, a cup of eggs and a cup of milk into the sourdough starter. Finish with a little melted butter, then cook as normal.

Add some starter to your normal loaf recipe.
I've found if I'm short on time but still want the amazing flavour of my starter, I just add a cup of Jeff to the bottom bowl before adding my normal loaf ingredients. Great flavour of sourdough and quick and convenient proving.